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About APEX Nation

APEX Nation was started in 2023 under the name of ST Society.  We based around creating a car club and brand that followed the ST line of vehicles from Ford.   We quickly realized that our demographic was shifting and we wanted to have a wider reach in the community.   That is when APEX Nation was born.

Our goal with being a car club was to not fit the stereotype that the general public gives car people.  We wanted our members and followers to be respectful and upstanding people in the club and the same in the community.  Having a core group of members ranging from ages 18 to 60, we set down some strict rules of how we wanted our club and brand portrayed.

The rules we designed aren't meant to make a person bend to our will or to change their lives.  Our rules were made to protect ourselves, our cooperating venues, and our sponsors from any issues, drama, and damages.    We will continue to enforce our rules and lead by example in the car community by following the morals and rules we have designed and adopted.

Just like any organization, they have growing pains.  We are not immune to growing pains and changes, but we will work through them and remain a respectful club and brand.

Click the link below to view a PDF file of our Club rules.

Click the PDF to download and read the  PDF file

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